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    [Product Image]                                          morningworkouta.jpg (170842 bytes)                                                       DeerLakeLodgerideG.jpg (120035 bytes)

        Impressive Tilt                                              Penny being ponied by Jim on Monty TB gelding.              Almaguin Trail Guide Reunion Jim  and Jack Boschulte/Shiloe

                                                                                                     9705im04.jpg (114132 bytes)  

Jim & Adonis Team Penning at Southbreeze 2000   Jim & Bell taking a break on the spring cattle drive                                         Round Pen reasoning 101

                                                      Jim & SABOLD - Hanoverian Gelding.jpg (63271 bytes)                                                      2yr Mare Packing Ganaraska Forest.jpg (23449 bytes)

            Tips                                                                                   Saboel                                                     Pack horse picture-Ganaraska Forest Pack Trip with Jim/Coy & Sierial


            Joanne Mintz on Gift                                                          Chris on Dawn                                                                            Chris showing Dude Medium





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Last modified:
February 11, 2007