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Training Philosophy Testimonials Training Pictures

    Starting a young horse for 30 Days which includes Round Pen Training, Sacking Out, College Level Leading, Quiet Mounting , Trail Etiquette, Trailer Loading as well as Riding at Walk Trot and some canter.  

Other Remedial Training Session are as follows

Round Pen Training  

    Foundation training that develops a positive working relationship and extinguishes belligerent and uncooperative attitudes

Accepts halter

Accepts lead and respects your space

Inside/outside turns on command

Stops and faces you on cue; comes to you on cue

Sacking Out

   Learns to stand quietly for regular handling like grooming and saddling, and for accepting spookier items such as fly masks, blankets, plastic, etc.

Sacks out to blanket
Sacks out to saddle
Accepts bridle
Picks up all feet easily
Eliminates head shyness


      College Level Leading Lesson     

    Foundation training that develops an attentive and respectful responsiveness to ground cues, working both on short and long lead ropes.

Stops run-away behavior

Teaches the horse to respond to light halter and bridle cues

Teaches the horse to go in the four directions

Teaches good lunging manner

Teaches the horse to stay out of your space


    Accepts being mounted and walks on command safely in enclosed area (no directional control).

Control and Direction

Develops control through the bit.
Walks and trots in enclosed area with directional control
Moves hips over, stops, and backs up

Trailer Loading

Horse will calmly and consistently load in and unload from a trailer.

Horse will enter empty trailer without resistance or bolting

Handler need not walk into trailer first

Grain, butt-ropes, and whips are never required

Trail Etiquette for Horses

    Does your horse turn into a maniac whenever he's separated from a pal?  Or when a horse gets too far ahead on the trail?  If so, this fix is for you.

Heading away from barn enthusiastically

Walking calmly whether in front, middle, or back of pack

Returning back to the barn at a relaxed pace

Separating from other horse while on the trail



Improved Responsiveness


 Advances your enjoyment of your equine partner responds to light reining cues

Leads at college level

Demonstrates collected gaits

Executes smooth, even transitions

Remains relaxed on the trail

Ground ties and stands quietly

    Our Program Works and it can work for your horse, call us to start your next horse the quite gentle way see testimonials from our satisfied customers.  



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Last modified:
February 11, 2007